Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Javascript Jinx: Parsing 'Infinity' to get a number

Everyone would agree Javascript is an insane language. It is very easy to make a mistake in Javascript.One thing about Javascript that makes it harder to code in it is that it is a very forgiving language. It does not raise errors (except in extreme cases). So, there are high chances of the code behaving weirdly.

Here is one awesome trick in Javascript. We know that in Javascript, there is no divide-by-zero error. Instead, when you try to divide any number by zero, you get a special number called Infinity. And this trick is about parsing Infinity to get a number.

Try to run this code in Javascript:
var result = parseInt(1/0, 19);
The result is most unexpected. The output would be: 18.

Wondering how? This is what happened:

1. 1/0 gave Infinity
2. The base here is 19, so Javascript tried to convert ‘Infinity’ to a number in base 19
3. In base 19, the letter I corresponds to digit 18 (like F to 15 in hexadecimal)
4. So, it converted I to 18, then ignored rest of the string since n is not a valid string, and thus we reached 18.

Amazing isn’t it? This is why we have to be very careful with Javascript. Another version of the same trick:
var result = parseInt(1/0, 24);
This time, the base was 24. So, this string is parsed: Infini, its parsed upto t since is it not a valid number in base 24, and then Infini is converted to a number to get 151176378 as the output.

(Courtersy: Stack Overflow)
P.S: This trick is so famous, try to search 'parseInt(1’ in Google, you will get an instant result.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Java Jinx: Differentianting Java API classes from other classes

This article is about how to differentiate Java API classes from other (external API) classes. This will require a bit of history in why Java became so popular and some architectural background about it. Java was mainly designed to work across networks. Main advantage of Java is that once complied, it could run anywhere, so computers connected across networks can play around with the complied Java file and run them directly on their computer. This led to popularization of Java over networks.

But with networks, comes security. So, any Java code coming through the network ran in a Sandbox, and all the classes that were loaded during the execution of the code went through a security check. The classes are loaded using a Class Loader instance, which performs all the required checks before loading any malicious files. But, these checks take time. So, a Primordial Class Loader loads all classes that are part of the Java API to speed up the loading process. Hence all Java API classes are loaded using the Primordial Class Loader and do not have a Class Loader instance.

So the logic is this: take any classes and check its ClassLoader instance exists using the getClassLoader() method, if the value is null, it is a class from an in-built Java API, otherwise, it is a class from external API, not part of Java API bundle.

Here is the code snippet demonstrating the use:

public class ClassSourceInfo {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer a = new Integer(10); //any Java API class
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); //any external API class


private static void determineClassSource(Class clazz) {
System.out.println("Class is part of Java API");
System.out.println("Class is not part of Java API");
Now the question comes, where is this useful. Well, that is for programmers to decide. For example, there can be a scenario where every class which belongs to an external API used in the Production Code be logged into a file, just for debugging purposes.